I get VEX man with all da tex-talk And, although I like all sorts of music, I'd be in the Indie box if I had to pick one. So, I did a comparison to vindicate my Language and Music snobbery - randomly selecting two artists from the mainstream charts and alternate charts. So; Conner Maynard versus Mumford & Sons - YouTube comments accompanying their toons:
What does this prove?
NOTHING! It's my petty revenge for the effort to decipher this crap when I can't avoid it. Innit
1 Comment
![]() Got the review of Red Star back from Raindance... Ouch! My Aston aspirations are on hold for a while based on this critique, at least if I hope to buy one from selling a script. The first reaction is a bit like a punch in the gut - Oomph. Next, a creeping feeling of actually being really crap, especially on a re-read where the comments all make sense. This is followed by: "been here before, surely I can salvage it?" Which vies with "What are you even thinking of? You're rubbish". Eventually, my optimistic nature kicks in and my sub-conscious starts processing the comments in a positive way, working out how to incorporate them into the story. Thing is, without a good reading circle to bat ideas off, and without friends or relatives (in the industry and prepared to be on hand for edits) the professional critique process is invaluable and really helpful. Bless Raindance, their comments are spot-on, and they NEVER actually say "You're rubbish", AND they point out all the bits they like at the beginning ...in quite a short paragraph. Cuppa and fags on hand now, ready for the re-write. After winning first place in PAGE sci-fi round, and the flurry of requests to see my script COLLIDER - and other scripts, it feels a bit flat - this period of waiting. I guess it's an early dance of show me what you have, and I'll show you mine.
It is lovely having Prod Co's, literary and managing agents (still got to get my head around what that means?) actually contacting me, rather than the other way around. Still, after writing for so many years, there's a huge part of me that's not ... not jaded, that's the wrong adjective! Just... realistic? Stoic? It all takes so very long! I would love someone to buy Collider, wouldn't that be amazing? I do like the script, and I can imagine it on the Big Screen, but will it happen as a result of this competition? I'm not sure. I was also convinced it wouldn't win though! I think I'm probably gearing myself up rationally, for another steep climb before selling something - although emotionally I am, in truth, mentally composing my response to IT-World, with an out of office: "Thank you for getting in touch. I am unavailable for IT work for the next 'X' months, and will be in touch if/when I've run out of income from writing." So, now I've set my sights on Channel 4's excellent Screenwriting Course 2013.
The Beeb offer a vague 'in' to new writers, via the Writer's Room, but that's a bit of a scatter gun approach, with referrals to third parties - as the Beeb no longer makes its own programs. Channel 4's program is smaller, with 12 writers selected annually, but the results are a million miles apart. Don't get me wrong, I will submit to the Writer's Room again, aiming for attrition with my persistence, but Channel 4's writers course (http://www.script-consultant.co.uk/channel-4-script-submit/) is a fantastic and real introduction into the industry. Unfortunately, I have to submit either Collider or Red Star, as they are the only 2 pieces I'm happy with. Collider isn't right for Channel 4 at all, but Red Star is still with Raindance for review! Bollocks! Oh well, I've entered Red Star for their consideration, hoping that it isn't as far off the mark as Collider was before its critique. AND I'm not entirely sure it maps to their programming schedule, but hey, it's another step in the right direction. Park it there anyway and put it to the back of my mind. Next, Sequestration Manor has to be back in my thoughts - the Blue Cat competition offers 2 reviews of submitted scripts, which at $70 is dead cheap. I've a week for that so I'll concentrate of polishing it on my own, then I might enter to Blue Cat just for their feedback. I've realised that I can only go so far on my own, before I need someone to kick my b |
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